My little Blog on Machine Learning, Scientific Computing and other things.

About Me

Hi, I’m Fabricio, a Computer Scientist working within Machine Learning and Scientific Computing. Welcome to my blog about sharing random tidbits of knowledge within this evergrowing, fast evolving field.

(And while there may be many blogs, I will at least not post behind paywalls on Medium ;) )

Why start yet another blog on ML and Scientific Computing?

If you come from a Computer Science or programming background, you’re probably more than used to seeing highly complex topics discussed informally—through blog posts, YouTube videos, and hands-on tutorials. But that’s not a given in every field.

Exploring different scientific disciplines deepened my appreciation for this unconventional way of sharing knowledge. Some of the most valuable insights—tiny tricks barely mentioned in papers, undocumented research code quirks, and field-specific "hidden" knowledge—often circulate only within niche communities.


Although I’m currently moving away from academia, I still want to contribute to this culture of open knowledge sharing. This blog is my way of doing just that.

This website is a static page built using Hugo and PaperMod template, with the source code being openly available on my GitHub. Check it out if you’re looking to build a simple blog without the hassle of dynamic web pages!